Run toward possibility

Well-being & Growth Strategy for Realizing Your Greatest Vision.

At Bold Arrival, we believe the leader you are becoming at any point in time matters most.

We work with people who want to turn awareness, choices, and challenges into
landmark moments of opportunity.

 These moments are ground-breaking experiences and straight-up catalysts.
These moments are Bold Arrivals and frankly, they change everything.

If you can feel the call for a bigger future,
shouldn’t you be able to realize it?

Decisive action holds power

You’ve done all the things. Attended self-help workshops and events, listened to podcasts, watched YouTube videos, and read all the books. You’ve strategized growth and prioritized well-being. As an ambitious entrepreneur, you rely on your ability to access (and trust!) your self-compass. But something’s in the way. No matter what you try, you find yourself frozen in indecision time and time again.

It’s wildly frustrating.

I'm so with you. I’m a well-being and growth strategist and teacher offering pathways to overcoming challenges and picking up speed to become the absolute best version of yourself with monumental growth to live a balanced, meaningful life.
Let's walk toward a you… you've never realized but always knew was there.

Boldness is necessary

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strategy session

Meet Heather & learn one quick strategy to get you on track today!


your go-to essential when transforming a challenge

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Heather directly

Move quickly and
with more ease

Decisive Growth

1-1 group mentorship to pull your best leadership forward in 5 weeks

  • Best Strategic Mind

    Heather Robertson delivers quality work, insights 100% of the time.  100%.  As a client, the other thing you will appreciate, immediately, is her preparation and time spent understanding what you want.  Then, she delivers on time.  She is professional in all aspects.  Heather is simply one of the best strategic minds I have ever worked with.

    Bill LeMaire - President Durango Botanic Gardens

  • brilliant business mind

    Working with Heather has transformed my business. She helped me strip down the excess and get clear on exactly what my vision and mission are for my business, and based on that, designed a smart and targeted strategy to attain a set of clear, ambitious goals. 

    In less than six months of working together, I restructured my business and made some significant life decisions that have empowered me to shift from surviving to thriving. I have endless gratitude for her, her brilliant business mind and her kind, compassionate heart. 

    Mira Valeria - Security & Privacy Technologist

  • She's the whole package

    Heather for several years and consider her a professional mentor, spiritual leader, and a kind, compassionate, wise human being. She's the whole package. I don't know how I would have made it through a very difficult and challenging time w/ my business had Heather not been on board to provide guidance and a calm, loving hand at the wheel. My gratitude runs deep as does my respect for what she brings to the table.

    Lauren Evans - Co-Founder Lotus Home Management

  • She's next level

    I’ve worked with many mentors and consultants and they tend to take a more corporate approach and leave out the personal. Heather does a great job of starting with the personal and making sure that my own experience is woven throughout all of the strategies we create.

    I highly recommend Heather as an expert in the field of strategy and personal leadership to women seeking to move their skills and impact in the world to the next level.

    Breece Robertson - Leading Expert in GIS & Author of “Protecting the Places we Love.”

Ebooks to explore

  • Ferry Crossings


  • Triumph


  • 12 Proven Strategies