
Surrender, the sustained act to induce next-level Success & Fulfillment

Pillar #5

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Being present is a powerful act.

When transforming a challenge, being present reveals more significant pieces that reveal sustainable solutions. It’s also the place where we “data collect” and witness if our actions are delivering the outcomes we’re holding.

When we’re present, we experience an elevated level of growth or greater awareness of who we are becoming with each step forward on our journeys. This information allows for more ease the next time transforming a challenge becomes front and center.

For your stop at Experience, you’re invited to make the one-b0ld decision.

What’s the feedback you see if you’re present with people and actively listen to them?

*A bold decision has a force behind it. Movement. When the decision is acted upon, it gives form and function, revealing your next step toward well-being and growth.

What journey will you take?

Submit your one bold decision for Experience & inspire others to take action.

If you have a question, would like to speak with Heather further, or include the 5 pillars in your workplace to support your team, please include your email.